California Government seeks to stop AI Election Risks with regulation.

Home / California Government seeks to stop AI Election Risks with regulation.

Posted On March 17, 2024 | By Consulting User

California Government seeks to stop AI Election Risks with regulation.

Assuming that new regulations to not prevent deep-fakes…

Posted On March 15, 2024 | By Consulting User

AI Risks in Oncology: Trust, but Verify & Verify again, and keep verifying

Trust but verify is the wrong paradigm, it…

Posted On February 22, 2024 | By Rory Siems

How dangerous is AI? A possible path to human extinction?

The Probability of Doom: In the not too…

Posted On January 22, 2024 | By Rory Siems

NIST AI Risk Management Framework, still fragile one year later.

NIST released the NIST AI RMF about a…

Posted On January 16, 2024 | By Rory Siems

Should Your Company be AI First?

If your organization has a policy to fully…